
Trauma: PTSD and Complex Trauma

We now know that trauma impacts brain, physical, emotional, and spiritual development. A history of trauma may affect relationships, increase the likelihood of addictive behaviors and emotional dysregulation. We now know there traumatic events impacts people in different ways.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

“PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, rape or other violent personal assault.” (APA definition)

Complex Trauma

“Complex trauma describes both children’s exposure to multiple traumatic events—often of an invasive, interpersonal nature—and the wide-ranging, long-term effects of this exposure. These events are severe and pervasive, such as abuse or profound neglect. They usually occur early in life and can disrupt many aspects of the child’s development and the formation of a sense of self.”  (NCTSN)

Some Symptoms

  • Reliving the traumatic experience. This can include having nightmares or flashbacks.
  • Avoiding certain situations. …
  • Changes in beliefs and feelings about yourself and others. …
  • Hyperarousal. …
  • Somatic symptoms. …
  • Lack of emotional regulation. …
  • Changes in consciousness. …
  • Negative self-perception.

“Recovery can take place only within the context of relationships; it cannot occur in isolation.”

-Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror